About SFU
WebRTC communicates, basically not via server, but directly in P2P. In multi-person conversation, it is common to use a method called “full-mesh connection” which employs multiple P2P connections simultaneously, while ECLWebRTC provides a media server called SFU to realize stable conversation with more persons.

Multi-person conversation by full-mesh connection
As image and voice streams are sent to all participating members, terminal load will increase if the number of the members increases.

Multi-person conversation using SFU
As image and voice streams are sent only to the server (SFU), terminal load can be reduced compared with full-mesh connection.
How to use
You can use SFU from JavaScript SDK, iOS SDK and Android SDK. RoomAPI provided by ECLWebRTC has two modes, SFU and Full-Mesh, which can be switched easily. Please refer to API Reference for details on how to use.